26 August 2009

While the cat's away - again

Very happy to get back home after an abortive attempt at bringing a boat back from Vanuatu. We made it to New Caledonia but with a broken forestay fitting and a fried gearbox, we weren't going much further. I needed to get back and ensure my project was on track so took the 400-knot-to-windward option. Very heartened to get home and see the progress that Bill has made in my absence. The bones of the aft cabin are all now present and we have spent the last few days developing the plans for the remaining work.

The steering department is becoming more and more complete, just waiting for Sam the stainless guy to finish a couple of turning blocks. We plan to use pvc pipes to run the steering lines (8mm Vectran) between the aft and forward turning blocks, it will keep things very tidy. The old aft head teak grating will be altered and re-used in the shower.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Dean, looking good, how are you getting on. How about an update on the progress?
slainte colin and nichola