I don't see much of a result for all my work lately, I have been mucking around under the boat, filling and sanding in preparation for putting some fiberglass back on. We have removed the aft cradle props in readiness and should be able to glass up to the forward props. We are aiming to do this tomorrow and I have a couple of mates coming around to help out, we have had a lot of rain recently so we will have one eye on the humidity.

We have cut up all the glass we need, Bill sorted this so things should run nice and smooth. I have 60 litres of vinyl ester ready, gloves, masks, suits etc etc. It is quite a production!

Work inside the boat has been focused on the head compartment. Bill and I have worked out the final layout and Bill has created the plinth for the head, the vanity carcass and the rear bulkhead.

Yesterday I worked out the layout for the pump and plumbing system, I am reasonably happy with it and fingers crossed it will prove practical. One issue is the height of the anti-siphon loops as the deck in this area is quite low. I am trying to keep the loops as far inboard as possible, hopefully we won't sink on port tack!

In another one of my many jobs in progress, I am excavating the last hold-out of nasty rotten wood smells, the aft cabin. Most of this is now sitting on the trailer waiting for its last voyage - to the tip. It is good to see this disappear, it is the last cabin to construct, paint, wire, etc etc etc - maybe I shouldn't start cooling the bubbly for the launching party just yet!
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