12 November 2018


OK, so we didn't have the main up but we were doing 7 kts upwind.  Happy with that!

It floats and has done for a while

The boat left our house in 2016, off to a local (cheap) boatyard.  Then we sold the house and moved out at the end of March 2017.

We launched the day before Easter 2017, when Cyclone Cook was supposedly battering us silly.  Although it was a bit damp, we missed the storm and had a smooth launching.

We moved on board early May 2017, sorted the new dodger/hard top out and got many jobs ticked off.  You can see the bow fittings in this shot, taken just before we dropped the rig in.

Once the mast was in place we were able to get the table finished.  A single piece of Kauri!

We've even got a name!

The copper coat has been holding up well.  In summer I was diving on the prop to keep it clean.  When we left Auckland it was compulsory to have the boat hauled, so I took the opportunity to change the prop anode.