A beautiful day and what am I doing? Sailing? Relaxing with a coldie? Well I'm doing what I've been doing for some time - sanding, sanding, sanding. Summer is here and the dust sticks to the sweat.

I have finished the coachroof, that paint was very hard. The sandpaper (40 grit) loses its bite after a few minutes so I have been just burning through it, taking the attitude that a $25 roll (10 m) is cheaper than my time. Once Bill gets back, we will cut another 2 scuppers per side and then glass over the top of the bullwarks. Once that is done, along with the new cockpit wavebreak, I can get some paint on. Can't wait!

Today I was working along the inside of the bulwarks, as well as spot-sanding the hull and fine sanding the binnacle. I slapped on some epoxy filler and it has come up pretty smooth, much better than it was following sandblasting. In the foreground you can see the granny bars (mast pulpits) that we made using the KP44 group design - thanks for that guys!