Very happy to return after a month spent delivering a 109' sportsfishing boat (not my idea of a boat in the slightest), to find progress aplenty. The forecabin has taken shape and we have prepared for the next major bulkhead to be installed, which will be the forward end of the head (starboard) and the forward end of the galley (port).

At the aft end of the bunk there are open-fronted lockers on both sides.

The v-berth has been raised about 80mm from the old level, which should increase it's size as well as improve the stowage beneath. All bulkheads and significant furniture is glassed to the hull, deck and cabintop where posible, so the boat should be a lot stiffer and quieter that the old soggy egg carton.

After stripping off the old glass layer from the top of the keel and allowing it to dry out, we have relaid several layers of chopped strand mat.

This has given a nice smooth area on top of the keel and up the bilges, where the 2 main water tanks will be built in. We used vinylester resin for this as it is the best tank coating.